You then can overlay your GNOME splots on your other ArcView themes or geo-referenced raster files, or use ArcView to view or query themes that you select. 'Import GNOME LEs (splots),' to import your GNOME file set into ArcView so that you can view your GNOME trajectory output in ArcView.Select the GNOME icon, then choose either:.You've now loaded the GNOME Extension into your project you should see a GNOME icon on the view window toolbar. From the File menu, choose Extensions, then check the GNOME Extension check box. Then, view your saved trajectory in ArcView: In either case, save your file set into a new folder. NOAA Standard Splot File Series (for GIS), to save a series of successive views of the spill, at 1-hour intervals.NOAA Standard Splot Files (for GIS), to save only a single view of the spill at a single time and day.To do this, from the File menu, choose Save, then choose either: