The game follows the adventures of Carl Jonson, also known as “ CJ”, who has after return from prison goes on a mission to clear his name from the framed murder, gain dominance against the competing gang, free his family and take control over the streets of San Andreas valley. This seventh title in the Grand Theft Auto transport players to the San Andreas, a fictionalized version of the state of California and the city of Los Angeles where they can become involved into the daily lives of 1990s criminal underground that famously caused an epidemic of gang violence, drug usage, street rioting, civil unrest and was a target of rampant police brutality. Built on the enhanced version of the game engine that powered their previous hits such as GTA III and GTA: Vice City, Rockstar Games managed to surpass expectations and deliver to the market their largest and most complex game. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas ( GTA) for Mac is an award-winning open-world action-adventure released on Mac in the summer of 2005 by Rockstar Games.